I haven’t used my crockpot all winter

I was rereading my 101 in 1001 list and realized that #94 will never become realized.  I challenged myself to find 10 new recipes for my crockpot, which when I made my list was a kitchen tool I used all the time.  A tool that has since been moved to the garage because I needed room in the cupboards.

So why, you might ask, has a kitchen tool fallen so far?  Two words…instant pot.

An instant pot is an electric pressure cooker.  There are entire blogs dedicated to this tool and I will admit to anyone that I have not explored all it can do.  But, I have used it a lot and I love it so much.

Here is a picture of my lovely pot working. There was a ham in there.  The one we were supposed to have for Easter until we all got sick.


The beauty of it is that I don’t have to plan ahead for it.  I don’t know how many times I would plan to make a pork roast using my crockpot and forget to do it in the morning, leaving me with the “What in the hell am I going to make for dinner?!?” question that I had tried to avoid with my well-intentioned Sunday planning.

So, I am slightly altering my plan and going to look for 10 new instant pot recipes!  Until then, here a couple that I have tried and really like!

Honey Teriyaki Chicken

Chicken and Brown Rice Soup

Beef Stroganoff (I used stew meat because that’s what I had in the freezer!)


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